Monday, September 7, 2009

Katrina x 1000

Sure, those in the Los Angeles metropolitan Area could hike down south to Baha or up north to the San Joaquin Valley - if they survived.
The brotha's from South Central may even have enough sense to bring their guns and ammo in order to face down anyone in The OC who may wish to prevent them from crossing a bridge.

But how many would think to bring water, or food, or a first aid kit, or bleach or some type of solar powered or hand cranked light, or a radio?
How many would be able to fend off hoards of people seeking the same for themselves?

If California's electrical system went down, 20 million people would be screwed. (The other 25 million could just make the adjustment)
Cell phone towers and land lines would probably be damaged.
Clean water would be a hot commodity (especially if a dam or two broke).
Packaged food would run out in a week and fresh produce only lasts a few days.

Those seeking the lands to the north and south would be met by angry mobs seeking to protect their own. - with their own guns and ammo.
Gas would run out quickly so I guess one could ride a bike(?) with their family on the handle bars(?).
The area would become a mix of Swiss Family Robinson (groups working together for the common good) and a Lord of the Flies (groups seeking their own best interests lead by selfish leaders) situation.

If the Big One ever came - Cali and it's citizens would have a hard time coming back.
NOLA had only about 500k people and most of them were used to doing without.
L.A., The OC and The IE has what... 20 million who are a bit... "citified"?
Imagine what would happen.
Imagine Katrina times 1000.


  1. OK you got me there but I'd make it to Rosarita beach and call it a day. Me and the fisherman would be just find as we wait it out.

    Most people in LA don't even have enough bottled water. I don't know how many times they are going to warn people but they won't listen anyway. So yes I have about 200 bottles of water a fully gassed up car and 3 flashlights. But I still have to pick up my family all in the first day before Mad Max in beyond the thunderdome show up like Pac on the california love video. I think I'll make it.

  2. "when" the big one comes, Cali becomes the grist for another Atlantis myth...,

  3. Question: Do you think that the powers that be (the U.S government) would let california come to such a pass?

    On the one hand you've got the power and influence of Hollywood on the other hand you've got a majority hispanic population that may not garner any empathy from those old white men in the beltway.

  4. @ FreeMan - That's a long drive from the ATL to Baja.

    @ SeeNew - When the big one comes - my hometown of Riverside (about 60 miles inland) will be beachfront property and I'll visit my parents more often.

    @ NoFace - I don't think the government could recover (finacialy) from such a mess.
    They can't do anything in NOLA with the billions given by government agencies and charities - Cali would be lost.
