Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Most people wish for fortune and fame and for their voice and views to be heard - but what happens when people find all the things they were looking for?
Dave Chapelle could deal with being $5.00 funny, maybe even $5,000,000.00 funny - but how could he surpass his past successes and be $50,000,000.00 funny?

He couldn't, and that pressure became too much to bear.
This seems to be a common trait for those who do what they do for the pure joy of doing it - and not for the fame and money that go along with that success.
The extreme material and social rewards can become a distraction and distort creative people's perception of their place in the world.

This is what happened to DMX.
Being used to being the underdog and having to always fight at one's best (even in losing battles) conditions one to become inured to losing or being doubted or being taken lightly - but one's greatest vulnerability becomes the success which they desire.
This is why many fall from grace just at the pinnacle of their success.
They were prepared for failure, just not for success.

Tyson seemed to thrive while fighting in obscurity and with doubters questioning his place in the hierarchy of the boxing world.
But when Mike was thought to be the baddest man on the planet, he imploded.
His hard fought for success and fame were benefits of his skill that he was ill prepared to deal with.
Now Kanye West seems to be the latest celebrity to suffer from one's success being too large for their ego to properly process.
Some would say that Kanye already has a big enough ego - maybe, but he lacks any real confidence to support all of the hype that those surrounding him seem less and less inclined to regulate.

Fame brings leaches. And these leaches depend on an other's success as their sole means of survival.
These leaches can't tell a celebrity to take a break or to stop producing, or that their actions are improper - if they did , they would have to look for a new job.
(Who would have been close enough to Mike to tell him (and beat his ass until he listened) that he was effing-up? No one - he was their meal (ticket).)
So clown Kanye and write that his need for treatment is a joke.
But as you do - realize that his claim to fame is real while yours is probably only a big as your blog audience.
Your claim to fame gets you pennies-per-click on Google adSense and a good table at Red Lobster - while his claim to fame gets him the girl that you probably think about as you masturbate, millions of dollars and trips to Europe.

I'm no fan of Kanye - but I recognize the need to just get out before one gets taken out.
Kanye can keep doing what others expect from him and get paid and go crazy - or he can do what he wants to do and miss his market's tastes (and not get paid) but retain his sanity.
Kanye's actions were in poor taste - but the man needs to just take a break...
That is, if he wants to live.


  1. The game is setup to build you up and then take you down so you can come back again after apologizing.

    Kanye on the other hand ran faster than most to the point where they are calling him a N on twitter. Now when was the last time someone got so mad at a Pop star that they said racist slurs.

    Kanye is still acting like a young man who knows he can't be stopped or harmed. Sooner or later someone knocks out their teeth and we'll see if he gets up!

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  3. Ahhhh, How I've missed you so!
    Great examples in this post. People need to understand that fame and fortune doesn't come with a guidebook and the ability to never make a mistake again. Behind the clothes, the fortune, the fame, and the photos... these are just regular people. And regular people do and say stupid things on occassion. Thankfully most of us aren't on TV when we do it!

    Kanye's comment MIGHT have been true but during this young ladies acceptance speech is so not the time to open your mouth. It was rude more than anything else.

  4. @ FreeMan - I'm no fan of Kanye - but I'm no hater either.
    He's had great success but that doesn't give him license to do what ever he wants.
    Without the background of the gangsta rappers - he'll get his jaw broken and again need to have his mouth wired shut.

    @ RunningMom - Where ya' been?
    Too bad your Lions made the mistake of not drafting Sanchez - your new quarterback sucks!

    His comments were true (this year) but that dude needs to understand that his record success doesn't make it able for him to say what he want to whom he wants.
    I just thought it was funny that he had to pick on a little white girl. Would he have gotten up to say the same to someone who could kick his ass?
