Sunday, September 27, 2009

Big Black Guy

When I was a kid, the worst thing that could happen to a guy was to loose a fight.
But even worse than this was losing a fight to a girl.
And even worse than that was losing a fight to a white kid. (Which was only slightly worse than to have a white kid be better than you in track, football or basketball.)

But this thinking is flawed.
Why is okay for a white kid to be smarter, just so long as thy aren't tougher?
Why do many Blacks view other Blacks as being big King Kong looking ne-ga-roes?
Because they don't know enough Black people.

Many Blacks have been promoting the image of the scary Black Man for years.
And now (as always) we seem to be paying the consequences as well as enjoying the benefits.
To many whites, when they see Barrack Obama - this (above photo) is what they see.
How is this possible?
Because thy don't interact with enough Black people.


  1. Why did you go and put his head on my body?

    We had ablack kid show up fot football tryouts once. He finished like tenth in the 40 and couldnt catch. He was small, and the whole team was dissapointed.

    Poor little guy had centuries worth of stereotypes, and our championship hopes, all rdidng on his narrow little shoulders.

  2. Yeah... If he'd done well - so what, he was supposed to.
    If he failed - something must be wrong with him.

  3. When the only power you have is violence and the propensity to use it then you use it. I mean it goes from strength to guns and back to strength.

    The whites have it too but they call theirs the cops. So if the laws were really fair and equal then there wouldn't be a need to beat the shit out of someone because the cops will settle it justly. When the laws are applied unequally it is natural to look for where you have a upper hand.

    They see Barack that way because of racism for years. C'mon I know you have had the awkward question asked about your penis size by a inquisitive or drunk white guy. They believe that shit hook line and sinker. See it goes both ways becuase most Blacks believe whites have a better jump shot, or they will snitch on you to the cops, or they are double crossers, and a whole host of other things that are not true.

    We got to the Big Black Man spot becuase that's all we had to hang our manhood on.

  4. @ FreeMan - I understand that - but it's funny that there are many Blacks who see the same thing.

  5. man, it's great that you guys identified the stereotype.. now, the only thing is, you are yourself guilty of stereotypin' white folks.
    sure, a lot of the backwoods white people don't really understand anything about black people and they don't want to, and that is in part because they are afraid of the unknown. the unknown remains the unknown, because of the stereotype projected, which I think is a normal reaction to frustration - any individual or group frustrated with feeling powerless on any level will do everything to project strength elsewhere (same goes for white people, btw)
    but I don't believe every black male or female work out to make themselves look scary to white people - that would be silly, wouldn't it? (btw, I'm not sure where you guys grew up, but around my town there were just as many large black men on the police force as large white men.)
    anyhow, if anyone out there doesn't want to see beyond stereotypes, they likely never will.
    but speaking of stereotypes you always have to be careful not to cram your audience into a stereotype as well.
    i'm white. i feel more white when I'm around black people, and i feel more at home around white people - this in situations where i'm surrounded by strangers. but when I'm with friends, nobody could care less, and that I feel most comfortable with. how do you see it?


    The sexiest men in the world have one thing in common........ they are IN PROPORTION.

    Get a clue.
