Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So, Glamour magazine decides to put a fat girl on it's cover (which they photo shop down to a more appealing size) and puts an out of shape plus size model deep within it's pages.
And women trumpet this as a good thing?

What if Metropolitan Home put junky old homes on it's cover and between it's pages?

What if Car And Driver only focused on Gremlins, Pintos and Pacers?

What if The Robb Report only covered the hood and trailer parks?

And who wants to see this guy on Muscle and Fitness?
The truth is; people don't want average - they want examples of the best.
All the women excited to see a real woman in a fashion magazine... eat a salad and get on a StairMaster.
Aren't fit women "real" too?


  1. No they aren't real because you don't see that many. (unless you live in LA so fat girl be warned)

    Look the game is that fat women feel bad anyway so they threw them a bone so fat girls can read their articles. Its the same way they put a black actor on a white show so all the blacks can tune in before they kill them off.

    Same hustle!

  2. I spent all day yesterday in SoHo and Tribeca...
    You want skinny people I know where they all live, ah seen 'em!

    LA has botox and silicon, NYC has anorexia, everywhere else has McDonald's.

  3. @ brohammas - But LA isn't SoCal.

    Every day, there are little Miss Milquetoasts getting off the bus to become starlets.
    Most don't make it and they move to outlying communities.
    This creates a sort of all-star team of oh-wees from accross the country.

    The Botox and Lypo and Boob-jobs are generally for the women who are less than perfect (Which is really only subjective).
    The other women just live with being "close enough" and do just fine.

  4. @Brohammas - C'mon you go to stop hanging around the Hollywood Strip when you come out West. I'll be honest with you most of the women I have met and been around didn't have anything fake on them.

    Hollywood and that mentality is confined to a very small area it's not as common as people think. In fact Hollywood is pretty much for out of towners because most cats from LA have some place else to go.

    Botox and Lypo and Boob jobs cost money and the great majority of women out here can't afford it so they roll with what they got.

  5. Now this post made me laugh.

    Well done!

    It may be a small victory for those concerned. But somehow I think it's still like an inside joke over at the magazine. Sex and hope sells. And you're right: the average person wants to see what's perceived to be the best just to have something to believe in.

  6. I don't read beauty magazines...hmmm
