Monday, August 17, 2009

Start Small

If you think that the government can properly run a health care system,
let's see how they're doing so far.
Has anyone been to a General or Community Hospital?
The waits will kill you.

How are they doing with our military men's care?
Maybe there doing better with the Native American hospitals...
Or, maybe not.

Sure, health care reform is needed - but not by the government.
Insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies need to be turned into service driven industries instead of profit driven industries.
Maybe we could create a network of Credit Union type medical hospital companies to facilitate the needed changes.
I don't know about you, but the government hasn't proven it's ability to run health care in the past (or present).

1 comment:

  1. Or maybe they'll just put a patch on it that expires in 7 years and pushes the ball further down like they always do. Once again the power of capitalism raises it's head to let you know even the president the so called leader cannot crush a money making institution.

    The government doesn't have to run healthcare like your private Blue Shields if they set it up for preventive care then the lines will naturally disappear.

    Sometimes there is a bigger good than worrying about how it will be implemented. Sometimes we pass laws and then fix it which is better than having the best system and being unable to pass it into law. What a loss for everyone!
