Monday, August 3, 2009

I Never Liked Degrassi

I never liked Degrassi Jr. High.
IMO -The kids were kind of plain and ugly.
But Saved By The Bell is another story.
All the girls on SBTB were hot.
They even bothered to have a pretty Black girl (Lisa Turtle) instead of the stereotypical hood rat.
Lisa Turtle looked good as Bill Bellemy's girl in How To Be A Player.
Kelly looked good (also with Bill Bellemy) in the short-lived Fox series Fast Lane.
And Jessie played a stripper who had trouble pronouncing Versace.

Degrassi may have spawned Drake - but SBTB spawned three hot women.


  1. Finally, someone else who appreciated "Showgirls" maybe for different reasons, but still!

  2. Hey we all liked Lark Vorhees! What's funny is she was never called a sell out. I guess being fine conquers alot of things!

  3. great casting. Have I brought up the show Blossom and my "Blossom theory"?
    SBTB was themost un-Blossom casting around...not well acted mind you, just well casted.
    I did kinda like Parker Lewis better.

  4. @ KST - I liked Gina Gerson in "Showgirls".

    @ Well...yes.
    That and she never seemed to be seeking the approval of the thers.
    She (her character) was just being herself.

    @ EyeDub - I thought that YOU'D know, if anyone.

    @ brohammas - I liked Parker Lewis too - his was I character which I could identify.
    He just always seemed to get away with murder and still remained popular.
