Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Angelina v. Halle

Halle and Angelina are pretty much interchangeable - both look good (If that's your type.).
But is Halle just a Black girl with white features,
or does Angelina's sexuality come from her ethnic features?

Beyonce, Coco and Kim Kardashian all have the thick juicy bodies generally preferred by ethnic men.
Are these women only considered attractive because of their (traditionally) non-white features?
It seems as though the new ideal is shifting towards a more curvaceous body type.


  1. Healthy birthers are making the magazines. Instead of the skinny 9 year old boy girls.

    It's just a return to the way things used to be and since the country is changing the tastes are going back to reflect healthy women.

  2. Perhaps the growing prevalence of Rubenesque women in the mainstream media represents an unconscious longing in response to an impending environmental scarcity.

  3. As with anything else fashionable, there are cycles. Monroe to Twiggy, and back again. You mention the unadmitted desire for non-white traits which is interesting when contrasted with many who critisize the popularity of Halle and Beyonce and others as simply a result of them looking more white than others.
    So which is it?

    somewhat related, you would be amazed at how many people, white people, comment on the beauty of my children followed by a comment about how mixed couples make the best looking children. Its a loaded statement but with possible relevance to this issue.

  4. Leave it to Sub to take it waaaaay deep.

    I think it has a lot to with the desire for survival;
    whether determined by reproductive traits [Big juicy women who can retain nutrients and possibly produce more children],
    or more desirable social traits[I think the distinctions between good hair/bad hair or light skin/dark skin are used in much the same way (seen as having an easier life).]

    @ brohammas - That's a Chicken or Egg question if their ever was one.
    (And the point of the last few posts.)

  5. I heard a heavy set woman say this on t.v. the other day:

    Keep you warm in the winter and shade you in the summer.

  6. LMBAO @ Big juicy women who can retain nutrients and possibly produce more children

  7. "who can retain nutrients"


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