Monday, July 13, 2009

Goldilocks ?

Too hard, too hot, too Black?

Too soft, too cold, too white ?

Juuuust right ?


  1. How bout John Stockton, Eminem, and Jeremy Piven.

    Come on, that was a good one.

  2. Nah...
    It would be;
    Derek Huff - Paul Wall - Brad Pitt

  3. All right, all right, you win.

    Derek Hough, Paul Wall... you sent me back to the minors with this one.

  4. Will just fits because he has the pedigree of coming from Philly, rapping, acting and then making movies. He is the American Dream without the racist stories he fails to bring up growing up in Philly! He doesn't bring up the Muslims, the segregation, the bombing of Move On, the blithe, the poverty, the poor schools, Camden NJ and oh yeah even the seperation of cheesesteaks as that's kind of bigoted too.

    He just smiles and sings and dances and quietly gives the world the impression that everything is alright! He's a hell of a actor isn't he? LMAO

  5. Congrats to Will Smith for being able to balance both his "racial temperament" and his “complexion” between the two extremes. He wins a free “internets” (and a life time of box office hits). I kid...I kid!

  6. I mean really - who doesn't love Will Smith!? My son even named a pet after him, lol.

  7. Interesting blog, the only thing I really don't get is why "race" is such an issue. Not even race, but something as difficult to define as the color of the skin.

    For me race is simply a biological thing, something you don't choose. Oppression is what makes a difference. Now USA's president is black, wonderful news... for whom?
