Thursday, July 23, 2009

Divide and Conquer

( Image; The "Divide" part of the divide and conquer eigenvalue algorithm)
brohammas said - "Do you think that at the heart of your recent string of posts - the Black/not Black/sellout etc. - is that Black culture tends to be exclusive rather than inclusive?"
Of course it is.
Just plug supposedly "different" types of people into their respective boxes and...
The thing is - the algorithm takes no maintenance.
Just divide once and the culture will continue the meme.


  1. Strictly speaking, "Blackness" is a specific culture of competency. I have yet to see an instance where anyone exhibiting the psycho-social skills valued within the culture has ever been excluded.

    OTOH - the encompassing culture which gave rise to Blackness has an indisputable objective history of evil and intentional exclusion, ostracism, violent socio-economic exploitation and oppression, and its core "competencies" reside in this reptilian, collective band.

  2. Money is the ultimate divide and conquer. Now when you add race to it then it morphs into that plus money. Education sets up classism which is added to the mix.

    The only way to beat all of those is to have a bigger encompassing reason. An example would be a family that despite its many disagreements is still family. Doesn't mean we always hang around each other but if ish hits the fan we close ranks under the family crest.

    Right now we just disagree on who should lead the family as unlike most socks it's not one size fits all.

  3. @ SeeNew - Yeah...
    But what happens when one goes beyond the limited expectations of the Prevailing culture?

    Oprah started out as every ghetto stereotype, same with Powell - now they are dismissed as being too white by many who lack the ability (or motivation) to do the same.

    @ FreeMan - Religion attempts to do the same thing by separating everyone between good and evil.
    It's just when people interject THEIR concept of what is 'good' and what is 'evil' that problems come about.

  4. But what happens when one goes beyond the limited expectations of the Prevailing culture?

    to which "prevailing" culture do you refer?

    Oprah started out as every ghetto stereotype, same with Powell - now they are dismissed as being too white by many who lack the ability (or motivation) to do the same.

    I've not heard any such dismissals, but granting the point for discussion's sake, do you consider either celebrity to be professionally and interpersonally engaged on a consistent and growing basis with other Black folks?

    See, my definition of Black partisanship boils down very simply to the amplitude, frequency, and duration of one's interpersonal communion with other Black folks.

    Those would be the essential factors giving rise to and sustaining a living culture of competency, no?

  5. @ SeeNew - The BET culture.

    Powell is active in many programs that are intended to help the Black community.
    TD Jakes was schooled by him when he (Jakes) tried to call Powell out on which group needs the most help.

    Oprah's crew is mostly Black.
    She wanted to do the girl's school in America but couldn't find a motivated area.

    IMOHO - The level of expectation from these celebs is greater than that of the people they are attempting to help.
    When the higher level is stated by the celebs - they are dismissed as trying to force a sense of "whiteness" upon the receiving group.
