Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Daddy Style

Tyler Perry stated that he is often frustrated by his critics who say that his material is too juvenile or too sophomoric.
That his material appeals only to the most base elements of our culture or that the humor is too broad.
He points out that his television show, movies, and plays often have a message that gets lost in such criticism.
Ne-ga-ro please.
Barney, Teletubbies and Vegetales also have a message - and they're geared towards children -
but even these children's shows contain as much or more sophistication as your material.
Really... does a whole family have to come across as being in bad over-acted Novella on Telemundo?

Recently, I walked in on a group of teen-aged cousins discussing how their fathers, step-fathers or uncles were like characters on television shows.
None listed the Wayans character from My Wife And Kids,
None pointed out similarities to the father on the Wayan's Bros. show.
None listed the imbecilic father (uncle) of House of Payne.
But all of these father stereo-types are seen by many as "keeping it real".
In reality - who has a father as inept as these?
In fact, from this group, none listed even Cosby.

Bernie Mac was often cited as the common father-type for cool uncles.
James Evans from Good Times was cited as the stern father-type of those with an attendant father.
The father on Everybody Hates Chris (Julius) was also commonly cited by those with a father who was present in their lives.

My step-father was a combination of James Evans and the Julius fathers.
My step-father was a working union man who would always seem to be going on strike.
My step-father was quick with the belt but cheap as hell.

Maybe that's why my father-figure style is a combination of Cosby and Bernie Mac.
When I'm mentoring my young cousins - I'm Cosby.
But when it's time to take care of business - I'm Bernie.
At least that's what they say.
That's what their friends say too.
Okay... I'll take it as a complement.

So Mr. Perry - One can represent a true image of a Black father without assuming that the Black audience needs to be entertained in the same manner as children.
So Mr. Perry - It would seem that your version of "real" isn't so real after all.


  1. When it comes to tv role models for black dads, the pickings are slim. And with the dearth of black dads in the black community, where do our young men go for a role model modeling how to be a good father or a good husband?

    We need more men to go back into the community and lift even as they climb.

  2. ahhh.. now I get the critisism leveled against Tyler Perry. But I still think he's taken too seriously.

    I still see him in the light of urban theater, using his medium to entertain.

  3. @ Max - I don't know of any fathers - who are involved in their children's lives - who are silly as today's television fathers.

    For many children, there is no one in their lives to respect.
    They may love their mothers, but the added fear of a father (-figure) would go a long way.

    @ Anon - Yeah, but does it HAVE to be so childish?

  4. @Anon - of course we take it seriously becasue he keeps trying to reclassify it like it has good moral undertones. So although its a transvestite grandmom with a serious story now we are supposed to give him a image award? For a creative person you would think he would come up with something else besides the Klumps to tell you hitting your wife is bad.
