Monday, July 27, 2009


Okay, okay... I've heard and read the complaints against the series, but many have missed the point.
The series was called Black In America not "For Black America".
The intent of the series was to inform non-Blacks about the conditions within many Black communities.
The series wasn't intended as a salute to Black Americans for Black Americans.

Many have noticed the lack of knowledge possessed by the series host Soledad O'Brien.
But that too was the point.
Journalists like Walter Cronkite often learned while they were on location to report a story.
Soledad appears to have done the same.
Soledad appeared to be learning things for the first time along with her intended non-Black audience.
If Time Warner would have wanted to do a bunch of Black History moments, they probably would have put the show on the CW or on TBS after House of Payne.
But the point of the show was to bring to light many concerns within the Black community to a white audience.

So is race a topic of conversation on the network and cable news shows?
Did BIA2 aid in the furthering of discussions concerning race?
Did BIA2 fulfill it's intended mission?
So, all petty quips aside - CNN's BIA 2 receives an "A-".


  1. I actually found it validated one of my points on raising children! I agree I thought it was a expose of what Blacks are in a more robust way than drugs, gangs, and violence. So for what is was and exactly how you described it, it delivered. It's just a peak into Black life beyond the stupidity. I think that's noteworthy in and of itself eventhough I don't know what it will accomplish. I think I have to wait for that next generation like the Obamaniacs!

  2. Ahh, I missed this one. Downside to shutting the cable off... I'll have to see if I can catch it online.
