Sunday, May 10, 2009

Who Is Black ?

This is an artist's rendering of the first European.
Were the first Europeans just ostracized Africans with Albinism?


  1. According to some religions they are aliens sent by the devil. Now I wouldn't doubt if they are just a nomadic group of Africans that happened to journey to far north and maybe were isolated from other civilizations.

  2. I with FreeMan on this one. The first Europeans were just a group of Africans that were interested in finding out what was beyond the boarders of the motherland.

    That rendered image is certainly going to catch alot of (white) people the wrong way. It certainly does, clash with that ever so popular (though laughable) notion that the white race was beamed down from heaven by the decree of almighty God in order to rule the lesser (darker) races.

  3. Interesting theory. I went over to read the article before posting this comment. I found it funny that the writer said that the artist rendering "didn't look European or Asian or African. It looks like a mixture of all of them." Wonder what planet that writer is from...

  4. As always you ask the most interesting questions.

    @freeman that is not the first time i have heard that theory. Earth is being used as a penal planet by some race that dropped white people off here to get rid of them.

  5. @Dj - Your statement isn't all that impossible just like Australia they have built a society.

  6. "Earth is being used as a penal planet by some race that dropped white people off here to get rid of them."

    lol, that might make more sense if there were only white people on earth.

  7. These scientists are just now catching up with the brilliant Senegalese scholar Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop who said more than 50 years ago that the original homo-sapiens in Europe were the Grimaldi’s who had crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from Afrika onto the Iberian Peninsula.

    For further reading see: African Presence in Early Europe, edited by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima.

  8. @ Runningmom I am not so sure if you think about some history. Most various hues of brown people learned very early on how to live in cohabitation with nature. We also were very happy being ourselves and doing our own things. It was Europeans that decided that everyone needed Christ in their lives and were willing to kill over it, they also came to America where the native used only what he needed and they move into a place of excess. I am no socioligist so I am sure there may be some holes in my theory, but it bears thinking about.

  9. Pre-Christianity, many white and non-white people were happy Pagans. Make no mistake, most modern-day religion is about power. Who has it, who wants it, and what each group is willing to do to get it.

    A small group of crazy can overcome a large group of non-violent people easily. Some would rather die for their beliefs than fight against and kill another for the sake of power.

  10. I wholly agree with you but my point was not about religion or at least not wholly about religion. it was more about how most people of color when left to their own devices where at peace with the planet and the resources around them. Again i go back to the Original American who killed the buffalo, not for sport but for the things he needed, and he put every part of that buffalo to use.

    He was not hunting to prove himself, that sport came later after Chris and the crew got here. From everything i have read about many tribes in Africa it was the same way.

    Even the modern Japanese have found a balance between nature and innovation. They have respect for the planet that gives them life.

  11. I am really enjoying the back and forth between Rmom and DJ. Its great to find someone else who shares a similar view on things.

  12. "It was more about how most people of color when left to their own devices were at peace with the planet and the resources around them."

    So if no white people were ever on earth, would those remaining still be living in tee-pees and mud huts living off the land? Or would the intellegence, curiosity, ideas and desire for power that exists within the human mind have progressed the society to the same position we are in today? It could possibly be better.. it could possibly be worse.

    And those of us here now who choose to buy bottled water, flush the toilet, eat to excess, drive to work, use the computer, etc. Are we not just as guilty of continuing the degradation of our land and environment? If you aren't part of the change how do justify complaining about the current state of being?

    "Even the modern Japanese have found a balance between nature and innovation. They have respect for the planet that gives them life."

    If the modern Japanese can do it, so can you - what's stopping you?

  13. To answer the first part I look toward Egypt. Left to their own devices people of color left to their own devices created a technology that has yet to be duplicated. In Japan (can you tell i am a huge japan fan) these are certain types of sword making technology that also can't be recreated. I think left all alone we would not be still living in teepees and grass huts but technology would have taken a very different turn.

    For the second part I would love to explore where we could have gone but the truth is we have to live in the world we are born into. Are there times where i wish all black folks would get up and just walk away and start all over, sure. but the truth is we are no longer Egyptians, we are Americans and we think as Americans and behave as Americans. ( And i am not sure I could live without indoor plumbing either girl, i dont do outhouses!)
