Saturday, May 30, 2009

As Long As It's Not Kobe

Sorry Lebron...


  1. Man I don't like Kobe because he snitched on Shaq but I ain't going against the Lakers. Now the Lakers have Kobe so call that a occupational hazard but the Lakers will beat Orlando in 6.

  2. That's exactly the reason I can't stand Kobe.
    DH, Lebron, Mello... anyone but Kobe.

  3. I'm in a horrible position, because I don't like the Lakers but I dislike Orlando more. So I'm just going to end up watching the championships with the knowledge that I'm going to be (extremely) pissed no matter what the outcome (which wouldn't have been the case if the Cavs were the team advancing and not the Magic).

    I can't stand Kobe either. Dude should just have himself cloned and start his own team. You know he wants to (he certainly plays like he does).

  4. Can't stand the Lakers, never have. You could have Obama on that team and I still wouldn't like them... well, except that one year they had Karl Malone and I really wanted him to have a ring. But I'm very ashamed of that year and probably shouldn't talk about it anymore.
    Go Orlando

  5. Yeah I felt for Malone's situation, but I still didn't want the Lakers to win that year. Such is the level of my oposition to anything they try to accomplish!
