Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Main Stream

What Sarah Palin did for Katie Curic's credibility,
Or Suzuki Samurais did for Jeeps,
Or the Ali interviews did for Howard Cosell,
Or Pulp Fiction for John Travolta -
It seems that Dancing With The Stars is doing for Lil Kim.
When she gives Regis Philbin a shout-out,
and he returns a shout-out on his daytime show -
Maybe Lil' Kim has pulled off the media mastery of maintaining her street-cred (after serving a bullet on a perjury conviction) and crossing over to a larger audience.
(And losing her gut in the mean time.)


  1. "(And losing her gut in the mean time.)"

    Along with her nose and the original shape of her lips. Ah, the sacrifices one must make to get into the mainstream these days.

  2. pair her with the Mormon boy and the worlds the limit... thats wht I told my wife, I'm glad they are proving my theory.

  3. The Beautiful, sassy lil Kim is gone. Replaced by a weave wearing ZombieBot! The Plastic Surgery, the skin lightening, the mega boobage! (Actually, the boobage is ok) Viva Les Boobs! (smile)
