Friday, April 3, 2009

A "J" A Day...

... May keep the tumours away.
I'm not Snoop. Weed ain't my thang. (I just get sleepy.)
But there may another use for the plant's THC.
Hmmm... relaxed, tumour free and with better vision?


  1. Marajuana makes me hungry and paranoid... well at least it did in college. Haven't touched the stuff in 15 years at least.

    But I think it's a great tool for some medical purposes. If it shrinks tumors - even better!

  2. hemp used to be a staple for making good rope and everyone I hung out with in the late 90's had a hemp necklace.

    why does "have a good use" have to mean ingesting the stuff?

  3. @ RunningMom - I have too much to do to smoke the stuff. But the THC uses sound promising.

    @ Raw Dawg - Man... I'd just sleep and and eat all day.

    @ brohammas - No, not all. But since smoking to gain the benefits of the THC gets around the gag reflex for some patients - it's usually the most effective way to use it.
