Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Am Not

I am prepared and qualified to meet my adversaries and (to a great degree) able to dictate my own future.

I treat others with compassion - even without any type of empathy or compassion for that person. The need justifies the action.

I (somehow) get a lot of girls.

I am intellectually curious without the presumption of knowing everything.

I am NOT some small black dot that has to fight against everything that I am not.
I don't limit my interests or values to what others my see me as being.
And since the problem doesn't determine the outcome - but the response (or reaction) - my resources (intellectual, cultural, social or financial, et al.) aren't limited to those of others who view themselves as that small dot.
My values are shaped by the values that I may see in others who have accomplished what I desire, or have overcome the enemies which I have yet to fight.
But...I am not white.
(There is no point in such delusion.)
The comparisons are only here to illustrate the commonalities based on shared traits - and not limited to race.
My 'I" may be from **. (And not as self limiting as that little dot)
Your "I" may only be from **. (And limited to what everyone else has always told you.)
And all that these models may encompass.
If you see (and limit) yourself to that black (or Black) dot - that's probably how you'll respond to situations.
If you view yourself as part of a whole (or even equal to others who form the whole) - this too will determine your thinking (and further actions and relationships).
(Sorry SeeNew - I couldn't draw this explanation out with photos to answer your question on your post.)

1 comment:

  1. "I (somehow) get a lot of girls"

    Yeah.. I can see that. You are smart, confident, dress well (from what you tell us) and you have a bazillion things to talk about so you are interesting too!

    "If you view yourself as part of a whole (or even equal to others who form the whole) - this too will determine your thinking (and further actions and relationships)"

    Someday folks will realize we are all connected. And no one should ever, ever feel like they aren't part of the whole or less than someone else. We are all a part of the energy of the facinating place that is Earth in the middle of the Universe with nothing else but stars and space around us. So many people miss the big picture.
