Thursday, April 23, 2009


Ebony and Jet are said to be in trouble.
I've read other bloggers propose buying subscriptions in the old school mags to save them from extinction.
But their day is over.
A new and more aspirational magazine has arisen to take their place.
Nope, it's not 'Black This' or 'Black That' - the publishers have gone a more subtle route.
It's not King or Smoove (Smooth) - with a bunch of stuff most of their readers could only dream of having.
Check out Arise.
(Hey, FreeMan - see how it looks to own our own image, and from an International perspective!)


  1. I love Alek Wek, she so pretty and she has a pretty spirit as well.

    The more I look at this magazine the more I like it! Who doesn't love tree frogs and diamonds!?!?

    In addition, while this magazine is filled with beautiful black men, women and children - the messages, pictures, and stories aren't exclusionary of other races and/or cultures.

  2. Yeah... I like that it takes more of world view of Black culture presented in a more inclusive way.

  3. I am trying to find out who owns the magazine but I did subscribe to it or least give some info. It looks good and it feels good to just be black without it being in connection to white.

    I'm checking it out.

  4. Love Arise - we need more print magazines so they got my support. I agree some magazines just have to run it's course and die and sad to say Jet and Ebony are apart of that list. As for online only magazines Clutch has my heart.

  5. @ FreeMan - It's a British mag and at 12 bucks a pop at news stands - it's not for everyone.

    @ Anon - Clutch? Thanks, I'll check it out.

  6. Me personally have chosen to not review my Ebony or Jet subscriptions.

    Their journalistic is FAR TOO BIASED.

    They are the spokes people for the BLACK ESTABLISHMENT at a time when this establishment power needs to be challenged for the results that it has been registering WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY.

    Last July's edition of Ebony was telling. They had a story on gun violence in the inner city. After reading the article I swore that guns had legs and ran throughout the streets, shooting Black people.

    These magazines lack the courage to challenge the status quo within the Black community in pursuit of our PERMANENT INTERESTS rather than PROGRESSIVE, DEMOCRATIC interests.

    They can have my business back when they seek to go after our interests.

  7. @ CF - It ain't gonna' happen.
    Those magazines have run their course - just as Jessie, Andrew Young and Sharpton.
