Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Almost Right

For those who have lost all hope and have begun to search for answers to the future in the mythologies of the past - your year is near.
I'm thinking more like 11-11-11.
Because it's a balanced trinity symbolizing a new beginning.


  1. Either way, I'm in this camp:
    "those who see a coming renewal, a rebirth of consciousness."

    I know our world will end one day, I just don't think it is going to happen in 2 years.

    BTW.. I like the graphic on that book.. looks like a centipede or a spine... or a roller coaster.

  2. Yah, 2012 is totally the wrong year for the world to end. There's so much I gotta do that year, so this world system is just gonna have to hang in there.

  3. @ RunningMom - I don't think the world will end in the way most people anticipate.
    I think that a new way of thinking will cause the old way to die off.
    Kind of like the begining of the Christian Era (B.C.E. to C.E.) Those who lived during that time probably had no idea that thet where at the begining of a new era.

    @ NoFace - 11-11-11 is just an atbitrary date that makes more sense than 12-31-12.
    But I wouldn't mind much of our current ways of thinking change in the next two or three years.
