Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why Is Abortion Wrong ?

If you're Pro-Life, fine.
If you're Pro-Choice, fine.
But IMO - abortion is just wrong.

Biblicaly speaking?
I don't know. Wasn't some guy struck dead for just pulling out and ejaculating on the ground?
That seems kind of harsh.
So I can't go by the Bible on this one.

I'd had a handful of girls have abortions early in my life.
I sometimes wonder how the kids would have turned out.
I knew that I was a ho.
I couldn't settle down with those women at that time - I would have just cheated on them.

As I was walking an ex to the clinic, some lady with a bottle of fake blood started yelling at me.
When I pointed out that I would take the throwing of the fake blood as a hostile act - and that I would be forced to defend myself - a group of protesters began to surround me.
"Bitch, please", I said to some guy who was trying to show me pictures of a recently performed abortion.
But I listened.
Then I asked how they could be so "Pro-Life" when someone who was obviously alive was sitting right next to them needing help. (A soup kitchen was next door to the abortion clinic.)
Or is it only potential life that is important.

When I got older, women would always ask me how to go about getting an abortion.
Our code words were to "return a pair of shoes".
In Cali. (at the time) one could apply for emergency Medicaid and have the procedure done for free.
After the procedure, I'd take the girls to a carb and iron rich lunch and then talk about something else - anything else.
Sometimes the girls would just cry.

One of the young girls who came to me for advice was a really cute young lady (about 19) who was having problems with her boyfriend.
My advice?
"You'll regret keeping the baby... but you'll regret killing it even more".
With this, she decided to keep her baby.
When her mother heard that I convinced her to keep her kid, the mother was shocked.
"But John's a ho !?", she said.

At the baby's first birthday party, the girl's mother (the baby's grandmother) made sure that her granddaughter had Black Barbie presents.
When I asked "Why?, the mother said that it was so that her grandchild would know that Blacks weren't bad people. (These people lived on the hills in the good part of town and had no prior Black friends).

So why is abortion wrong?
Because even though people say that it's a woman's choice - it can still be a man's guilt.
Because no matter how much I try to say that it was just a bunch of cells - they were my cells.


  1. Above everything else.. I love your honesty!

  2. See, there you go again, getting on my good side.

    But about that picture...did you really have to be that graphic?

  3. Wow @ that pic. I don't like to see pics of dead anything, but especially humans.

    I'm pro-choice but anti-abortion too. I believe in a woman's right to choose what is right for her. But I don't think I could ever have an abortion.

    I'm sorry to hear that you had a "handful" of girls go through this. I wish that once would have been more than enough.

  4. I could care less what the legislation does or does not say. Abort or keep the baby are not the only two options.
    People adopt babies. Good people.
    Sure all deserve empathy, but this isn't about the potential mother or the "ho", it should be about the baby.

    good post though.

  5. @ DJ - I did it, why lie?

    @ Mr Jaycee - Yep.

    @ Debo - Yep. That's how it looks.

    @ RunningMom - I wish that NONE would have been more than enough.

    @ brohammas - Yeah, but I can't write from the babies' perspectives.

  6. Great post. I too appreciate your honesty, but I appreciate the sound reasons for your position more. It would be wonderful if more people from both sides of this debate would come to the table and offer their views in such an honest and thoughtful way.

  7. My friend Dr. George Tiller was found not guilty this afternoon.

