Monday, March 16, 2009

Who'll Get The Last Dance ?

The East bracket is represented by;
UCLA alumnus Gabrielle Union,

Texas alumnus Rene Zellweger,

Wisconson alumnus Tamara Braun,

Oklahoma State alumnus Lise Simms.
While the Midwest bracket seems to lack any depth of talent.
Louisville (I couldn't find any celebrity alumni.)
Wake Forest also lacks any celebrity representation.

If Kansas shows a level of talent closer to alumnus Kirstie Alley's Cheers years, they may have a chance.
If they show a side closer to Ms. Alley's slothful years, it's over

With talent such as USC's Heather Locklear, the Trojans may be little more than superficial Hollywood hype.
The West bracket could produce the Big Dances eventual winner.
Missouri alumnus Cheryl Crow shares the tenacious desire to overcome that may help them go all the way.

BYU (No, not OConn, they're too Meg Ryan-ish) should be the surprise team on the list.
(Racheal Kinsey was the only "celebrity" I could find from the school)

Dixie Carter's old school talent at Memhpis should defeat...

Old school talent Dawn Wells and the University of Washington.
While not the best place to live, the South (bracket) will provide (for the first time since the first Southern migration) the Detroit area with more brotha's trying to get in to town than those trying to leave.
Oklahoma is surprisingly loaded with talent. Alumnus Jennifer Beals heads the list that includes;
Angela Basset, Jennifer Connelly, Jordana Brewster, Claire Danes, Jody Foster, Sogourney Weaver, Meryl Steep,...)
Okay, I can't remember her name... but she went to Arizona State.

Who went to Gonzaga? Apparently no one.
But, of the Zags losses - all were to teams who are in the tournament. They have no bad losses.
A trait shared only by...

North Carolina.
Admittedly, Vanessa Williams didn't attend the school.
But it's a hot photo and she was married to an alumnus.
And of all of the school's former players and NBA athletes - there must have been a lot of hot women mixed in there somewhere.
So this is my Sweet-Sixteen, with North Carolina winning it all.
The methodology is silly, I know.
But my chances of picking the eventual winner are as good as any.


  1. :)

    You coming up for the show or watching on tv? I have tickets, but may end up selling them. We'll see.. still have two weeks to think about it.

  2. your methods are more sound than the BCS. While I may not know of any famous ones, Ute girls are hot!

    I flt an obligation to mention that.

  3. @ DJ - I thought you'd have a list using male alumni at your spot.

    @ RunningMom - I wish (Is Motown as bad as it seems from TV?)

    @ brohammas - Well... it's exactly the same as the BCS - a beauty contest.
