Thursday, March 12, 2009

Steele... Keep It Real

Qamatha sent the chameleon (Steele) to Earth to tell the people that they wouldn't die.
During his journey, the chameleon decided to rest.
A lizard asked the chameleon about his journey and his purpose.
The Lizard (Limbaugh) rushed to the Earth to tell people that they would die.
The people panicked.
By the time the chameleon arrived on Earth to dispute the lizard's claim - the people of earth believed the sad tidings of the lizard.
And that is why people die.

Now it seems that the GOP/RNC has a strong argument against Affirmative Action.
They tried to use an under qualified woman in their Presidential bid.
They tried to use an under qualified Black to lead their party.
The problem wasn't one of gender or race - but one of qualifications (or preparation).

Mr. Steele failed because he didn't understand the necessity of Keeping It Real.
He could not be objective. He couldn't even pull of being subjective. He had no power to take a position (other than one of being prone).
He was a Republican for so long that he believed that all Blacks were from the hardened streets of the ghetto (see; Chuck D).
He assumed that those Blacks, inclined to political activity, could be wooed by hip-hop.

D.L. and D.A.G. failed because they kept it too real.
They failed to address their audience in an intelligent manner.
They failed to add something to their established repertoire.
They failed to grow and adapt.
Their assumptions were similar to those of Steele.
(That Blacks (and others who were looking for someone to fill the void left by Chapelle) could only respond to Coonish antics.)
So, this past week, three Affirmative Action projects have failed.
They failed because they assumed that today's hip-hop culture was the same as today's (Black) political culture.
They failed because they sold Black people (and others) short.

Advice to Steele... "Keep it real"

(Qamatha - )


  1. I have to be honest, I enjoyed Chocolate news. I didnt see it as a fill in to get the Chappell audience, but that was me. As far as DL Hugley as i have stated in other people's comments section "D L hugley is a comedian, he tells Yo mama jokes, appearing on bill Maher does not qualify you to get a show on CNN!"

    Michael Steele on the other hand...well i am just gonna sit back and enjoy the show "that's what's up!" (i hate that expression)

  2. Oh and i am a lover of fables and fairy tales, where did the story of Qamatha originate?

  3. @ DJ - Africa
    (I added a link to the OP)

  4. Thought it might be...some of the hardest mythology and fables to find information about.

  5. Steele's personal issues aside the repubs, whom I am not inherantly opposed too, do not in any way, shape, or form, "get" race.
    Who is advising them these days?
    Maybe they could hire me, I couldn't do any worse.

  6. So true about DL and DAG, on they're shows they were trying to give 90's humor to a 08 (and beyond) crowd because they thought that would be good enough for us black folk. They were wrong...they were so wrong. As for Steele, he should have kept things real with himself (i.e the reason why he is where he is now) and then he would have been better able to keep things real with us black folk.

  7. There will never be another Chappelle or Obama.

  8. Interesting lead in..I like it.

    Great analysis of the situation.

  9. @ brohammas - There's nothing wrong with the Rep. party (one is just as bad/good as the other).
    IMO - most Blacks share a belief system more in keeping with the Repub. platform.
    The problem is with the view that Blacks need to be pandered to.

    @ Mr. Noface - Yep.

    @ RiPPa - Esp. not any of these clowns in these roles.

    @ msladydeborah - Thanks.

  10. I was just having a discussion with my wife about this. I don't think DAG failed because of the jokes. I think he is a comedic actor and not a comedian. That's the difference. He is a role player (that is his strenght). He needed to be around other true comedians.
    DL failed because he can't be serious and funny at the same time. Plus he was on at a bad time.
    Steele is failing because he belongs to a group that doesn't respect him or people that look like him. As long as he is a Republican he will continue to hustle backwards.
    You are right about one thing though...if Steele doesn't learn to keep it real he will always be spinning his wheels.
