Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spend It

No, money doesn't grow on trees.
Some people get it through hard work, some inherit it, while others just get lucky.
(Don't discount luck. When my family had just moved from the 'hood to a suburban area - I attended our elementary school's carnival. I bought a ticket to participate in the Cake Walk. When the music stopped, I was on the winning number. The kids from the old neighborhood complained, "No fair... he's rich.". So I was forced by the teachers to step away from the winning number, one square ahead. But my sister was standing behind me, so she won! Not so fast - the kids complained that she was rich too. We had to step forward one more time until a kid from the old neighborhood won. Is this fair?)
Our economy isn't bad because we spent too much - it's gone south because many have wasted too much (and for too long).

Do you remember Imelda Marcos and her shoe collection of more than 2000 pairs?
Most people couldn't see the rationale of owning so many shoes.

But how was she any different than Kip Riggs ?
Well... she wasn't.
But I doubt that Kip has millions of dollars to buy his shoes, or a palace in which to store them, or servants to keep them clean.
So if Imelda Marcos was bad for wasting so much money on shoes - how much worse are these kids who have closets full of Jordans and Air Force One's?
Spending money isn't the problem - wasting it is.


  1. I agree wasting money is the problem!

  2. "I mean we make a lot of money, but we spend a lot of money"
    thank you NBA players union.

  3. We as a people need to learn the definition of the word "invest"!

  4. How come only the green shoes are turned the other way?

  5. @ FREEDOm - And this also applies to the government.

    @ brohammas - And when careers end they'll have to rob banks or deal.

    @ No Face - What? 142 pairs of Jordans is a bad investment?

    @ RunningMom - How did you notice THAT?

  6. That was the FIRST thing I did notice.. lol
