Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Simple Answers (The Black Cube)

Muslims encircle a cube.
The Borg spacecraft cube in Star Trek.

And Ice Cube.
While not a cube, the black tower in 2001 Space Odyssey represents knowledge.
But this is not New Age thinking, or esoteric thought.
I'm not an existentialist.
I just believe that there are simple answers to (seemingly) complex problems.


  1. There is a root to every tree and usually you just need water and sunlight for photosynthesis to take place and thus the tree to grow. It's just when you name that process photosynthesis and you try to come up with a unnatural way of making it happen then the scientists get involved and the think tank is formed until someone finally comes up with NutraSweet that causes cancer.

    Whenever you get smart people involved who want to be smart instead of solving problems then you get complications. Mark my words all problems will be solved by some kid in the middle of India or Africa because they didn't ever read the books or build upon the knowledge of the so called smart people.

  2. @ Freeman - I just watched Lorenzo's Oil again on TV.
    The "experts" kept getting it wrong, but the kid's mother solved the problem.
    So I agree with the assumption of the ametuer getting it right.
