Friday, March 27, 2009

Prayer ?

How does prayer work?
Does it work in the same way as Pheromones do for bees?
Or is it the perfect resonance of one's voice(s)?
As in the case of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (or an opera singer's voice breaking a glass), resonance has power beyond what is visible to the naked eye (although the effects of it can be seen).

Everyone has had an experience with a song that inspires, be it - the Theme From Rocky, a Wagner arrangement or a primitive war chant.
Music is also said to soothe the savage beast.
Is it the melody or the perfect pitch that creates this effect?
Is it a prayer to one's inner self?


  1. I think the voice resonance example is right on point. This is why the Catholics have you pray the rosary so you can repeat the chant and become centered. Meditation, long drives, swimming and even working out on the elliptical machine creates that perfect rhythm and attains some form of relaxation. I think quieting the world is what prayer really is so it allows you to focus. In your post you also use melody and this is again centering yourself this is why people say they feel the music more than hearing it. So to me it's the inner self prayer is just another means to get there.

  2. There was an article in the NYTimes online this weekend about using music as a prescription for healing... I thought it was very interesting. Here's the link:

  3. @ RunningMom - Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.
