Sunday, March 8, 2009


Some would view this mountain top as an obstacle that hinders their passage to somewhere else.
Others would see it as a nice place to build a resort or just a nice place to take in a foreign (to them) view.
Some would think that this is a beautiful sunset over the Gulf.
Others would point out the lack of palm trees and the murky brown (instead of cerulean) waters.

Some would see dust, heat and an environment that is inhospitable to humans.
Others (as in the case with many California developers) would see potential farmlands, neighborhoods, malls, and modern cities.

Some would see woods that could be inhabited by evil spirits or trolls or predatory animals.
Others would see wood that can be harvested for homes, shops and modern cities.
Even when two people walk the same trails, their perceptions of an environment's potential can be colored by their view of the world (or their ability to see an obvious or sometimes hidden potential).
Is one view right and the other wrong?
It depends on the individual and their abilities (or priorities).
It depends on whether one wishes to adapt to or conquer their environment. (Usually the best answer is to conquer the environment in a way that will allow the ecosystem to continue to function).
But it all comes down to one's ability to perceive that hidden potential (and not to be overcome by it).

1 comment:

  1. "Usually the best answer is to conquer the environment in a way that will allow the ecosystem to continue to function."

    This is true of every situation - adapting to change, seeing potential in what you have to work with at the moment, learning to build without ruining everything in your way during the process.

    I would be one of those people who thought there would be scary things in the jungle.. like snakes and spiders and creepy crawly things.... shivers.
