Monday, March 30, 2009

The Game

FreeMan - "If we try to sword fight over the right approach... we defeat ourselves."
brohammas - "ranking the crabs in a barrel does not get any of them out of it"

Perhaps I wasn't clear.
The post wasn't meant to suggest that there is some universal answer to all problems.
It was meant in response to those who sit idly by and complain about wrong doings to deaf ears.
Or to those who create the problems they complain about.
Or those who have a theoretical idea of problems - but who lack any "lab" experience.
To be able to properly understand the problems, one must be able to understand the nuances that occur on the most intimate level.

@ FreeMan - I didn't mean for you to infer that everyone has to do the same work - but that the work itself needs to done. There is no point to infinite redundancies.

@ brohammas - Maybe my metaphor, simile, analogy (or whatever) was lacking in clarity.

People who dismiss every problem as... let's say racism, when the real problem is not being prepared - these people lack an intimate understanding of the problem and will likely misdiagnose the problem. These people will likely prescribe the wrong medication (or answer).
This person can come up with a million ideas as to why things are the way they are - but their knowledge is mostly theoretical (or outdated).
(This is the person in the house complaining about having to drink warm lemonade with no ice. This is the one who says, "I'm glad I'm not one of those people".)

There are also people who do no work but blame their position on everyone else.
They might say, "I didn't get the job because I am Black" - instead of realizing that their weight, looks, lack of education or skills, or attitude were more to blame than anything else (shallow, but it happens). This person has stopped trying. Their "job" is to be the infinite victim.
(This is the person sitting under the tree who tells the working men that they're suckers for trying. He also sits back and says, "I be happy dems not me".)

Then we have the people doing the work.
This group varies in age, race, experience, perspective and a long list of other traits.
This is the group that does what the others sit back and talk about doing.
This group is too busy to hate on those who would look down on them for various reasons.
This is the group who helps each other (to varying degrees) and tries to make things better.
This group consists of those who would usually be assumed to be in one of the other two groups.
Their experiences and abilities and their relationships with others will determine how far up and down the scale these people can travel.
(Regardless of race, gender or social status - this is the group who actually "gets dirty".)


  1. Sorry. I actually "got it" the first time but as the resident white guy (who agrees with you) I am sensitive to what the common white guy would see or think when reading things about race.

    The last thing I want is some knucklehead sayin "yup, there was bad lazy negroes back slavery too. Theyve always been that way, its just how they is".

    but in addressing the point, if you are part of the community or just talking about the community, you better help and not just run your mouth.

  2. "This person has stopped trying. Their "job" is to be the infinite victim."

    I've met a lot of people like this in my life. Sometimes you can help them see life in a different way, sometimes you can't.
