Friday, February 20, 2009


That Eric Holder has stated that America is "...essentially a nation of cowards.. on race." and has sparked so much debate.
I would have to ask, is he wrong.
He didn't say "White" America.
Just America.

That some would assume that he was only talking to whites is an arrogant assumption that the well being of the country and the responsibility to make the needed changes lies solely with whites.
That essentially, America = White.

But in making this assumption, many have assumed the role of "Victim" that they often decry from the likes of racial polemics Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton.
Now, I hate the whole victimology philosophy.
It's weak and assumes the B**** role.
While taking it in a supine position isn't any better (you're still taking it), it assumes the prone position.

Check out an entry from one of the New Victims (Here you go Indra, someone with whom you can agree).

But these assumptions are wrong!
Holder was also talking to;
The NAACP - In your town, have they advanced "colored" people?
The Black Church - Do they still talk about getting blessings and being wronged, or do they talk about being a blessing and forgiveness?
Black Families - Are we still begging for acceptance or are we taking responsibility to raise our own to be the best?
Black Politicians - Are they doing better than those whom they replaced or are they being paid to do the same things?
Black Schools - Are your students actually prepared to graduate or are the just old enough to graduate?

So no, Holder wasn't talking only to the New Victims, but about all Americans.
And until we realize that... he may be right.


  1. I'm continually amazed at how many people never advance past egoism.

  2. Did someone think he was only talking about white americans really? I am real honest with myself and I know i have some color issues that I have to try to work thru every time I walk out my door. More so since I moved to the east coast where things and people are not self segregated as they are in Chicago.

  3. The problem was that some white Americans viewed his term "America" as being "White America". Rev. Wright said G Damn "America" and some white Americas thought that he was talking about "White Folks". See what being honest gets you???

  4. You and Holder hit that nail on the head with the head of the hammer!

  5. Good one, UBJ. I was wondering if you would address this one. So, do you personally think it is bad that we self-segregate on weekends? Honestly, what is his point, exactly? Is he calling on you blacks to start attending white churches?

    He specifically mentioned disparities in education, health care, and income, which is usually the start of a socialist plea for more handouts, all because of "racist" society.

    How can we be "honest" with each other, when the white point of view, that blacks need to take more responsibility for themselves, is labeled as racist, and is NOT allowed in the conversation?

  6. @ All - But this message isn't new. Malcolm addressed the same things a generation earlier.
