Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Everyone has seen an old cowboy movie where one guy owns the whole town.
Or at least they've seen or heard of Scrooge.

Anyone in the community who seeks to own his own business and compete with the established elite is quickly destroyed by those who wish to stay in power.
Often, even those indebted to this establishment will fight against anyone who seeks their own freedom.

The system itself is flawed.
Even more so than those who are subjugated by it.

Freeman (says, in response to another post dealing with the subject); "... C'mon, for someone to blame the bank is just as crazy as someone claiming entrapment..."

But he answers his own statement in his post Sharecroppers. (

I still hold to my belief that the current banking system itself is flawed. Rewarding failure is never a good idea. Maybe we need a Jubilee Year to put things back in order. (Government by the people for the people... not just the socially elite.)

1 comment:

  1. How bout criminally charging bank execs for predator loans then outlawing predator loans and practices?
    Just a thought
