Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm Hatin' On The Haters

Okay, Etta. You are THE Etta James. Beyonce' just played you in the movie.
But is it really that serious?

Okay, Faye Dunnaway. You were the old school actress playing Bonnie in Bonnie and Clyde.
But you were not really Bonnie Parker.
Hilary Duff is just as deserving as you in pretending to be someone else.

Now we get Dick.
Mr. Cheney feels that it's in our country's best interest to pick apart every move made by our current President.
He seemingly has opened his own Psychic Friends Network and feels confident enough to tell our country's future.
Move over Ms Warwick.

When will the old school willingly move out of the way of the new?

Now Fox News is trumpeting every tid-bit it can find that might be news - in an effort to discredit the current rulers of the free world.
What? Some members of the new cabinet have connections to existing businesses?
Maybe they've forgotten about the whole; Big Oil/Bush connection or the even more egregious Cheney/Haliburton connection.

Of these haters, the only one I may side with is Etta James.
(I'm not a big Beyonce' fan. Yeah, she looks good - but I'll take Mariah Carey's voice any day.)
Not that Ms James was using the best judgement in her unfortunate remarks regarding Ms Knowles.
It's just that she lives in my old home town (Riverside, California).

I gotta' rep the hood.

Which is also why I have to defend Barry Bonds' alleged steroid usage.
Every kid in the hood (from Riverside) has played one sport or another at the local park named for his father Bobby Bonds.
But if a Roger Clemons on steroids was throwing to a Barry Bonds on steroids - what's the difference?

We live in a performance enhancing culture.
Kids can't focus in school?
Give them Ritalin.
Mr. Johnson lost his ability to stand up straight?
There's a blue pill for that.
Started smoking to relax, but now you can't quit?
There is a pill or gum or patch for that too.
The airwaves are filled with newer and better drugs that are designed to help us perform at our optimum levels (and with only (sometimes) minimal side effects).

Nah... I'm not mad.
Today, I'm just hating on the haters.


  1. This is a great post, the haters need hatin' on!

    Every time I run across any of this I crack up, it's all so ridiculous. If all of this were bundled into a soap opera it would lead the day and prime time ratings.

    Riverside you say? Los Angeles is home for me, went to Gardena High. Had cousins in Pomona and San Bernardino, was up there at least once a month.

  2. I love Etta James and I have loved that song (At last) for many, many years. From what I read in People Magazine there were 10 different balls.. The people in charge should have had Ms. James at the main one and let Beyonce sing at a different one. Jeeze. There were enough celebrations to go around.

    If I were here, I would have been pissed too. That's my song, and I'm still here!

    As for the postage stamps and gas tax. Let me ask you this. When I was in college cigarettes were $1.25. Now they are $5.25 or more. Where is the $4 per pack tax money?

  3. @ Sheila - Yeah, I had to rep the I.E. .

    @ RunningMom - Of those listed, she had the most legit complaint. I just wished she would have handled it better.

    All that money from cig. tax went to pay for anti-smoking programs
    (or so they say).
