Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hispanics Causing Panic

With more stringent enforcement of immigration laws, Hispanics are about twice as likely as Blacks and 50% more likely than whites to be sentenced in Federal Courts.


  1. My wife and I once argued over who was lowest on Americas totem pole... she said blacks, I said Mexicans.
    After working a year at an Elementary school with a large Latino population she conceeded that they have claim to that bottom rung.

    I do find it odd that those who hate them the worst are usually the "America is the land of freedom and opportunity/family values" crowd, and I know no social group that displays a better appreciation for both.

  2. And they're dying in these detention centers too.

  3. I've noticed alot of black anger to hispanics. Some blacks complain about them beating them out for jobs, homes etc. I wonder what will they say about them being tops in this...

  4. All I can say is the threat has changed. What used to be a problem of Blacks coming to change the nation has now switched to the Hispanics. I said this in one of my posts as their numbers grow the focus of the government will be to destroy their family structure. Remember this in 20 years the Hispanic culture will have the same problems as Blacks do today. They are going to unleash the same devious plan on their families.

    Black Anger on Hispanics is just fighting over crumbs. What's funny to me is we have been living side by side for at least the last 30 years why has it turned into a problem now? It's the fight to have most favored minority status!

  5. @ brohammas - At the lowest levels yes. But once one has risen in finance, education and in their social group - a light skinned Hispanic can assimilate easier than a light skinned Black.

    @ Rippa - Really? In the Fed?

    @ Ojo - Aw... why you gotta' clown?

  6. Let me inject a little reality into this discussion. Your ethnic group will not be well-liked if you: 1) let your homes and yards fall to crap, 2) do not control your children, 3) play your music too loud, 4) engage in lots of crime and gang activity.

    It is NOT YT's FAULT if your group does these things! So stop blaming the peaceful, productive, and disciplined for disliking your violence, dirtiness, and laziness.

    The enemy is within, not without...

  7. @ Indra - Yep. But that applies to all people.

    @ D.FreeMan - Yep. Maybe, the Most Favored Minority Status is the wrong approach.
    I remember when the hood was the hood regardless of race.
    We had Black, Mexican, Asian and a few whites who got along because we were in the same boat.
    All we had to do was look at the homes on hills to see who appeared to have it better.
    When we finaly moved to one of those hills, some segregation began. But it was mostly that each group would hang out with others from their ethnic group.
    As we got older, we began to segregate based on each person's interests.
