Monday, February 9, 2009

Get Back On "D"

GDAWG - "John, it does matter what everyone else does!"
Lebron drove to the basket with a floater...
Gasol came in from the weak side...
Lebron missed the shot but was fouled...
The referee failed to call the foul...
The Cavaliers stayed under the rim complaining to the refs...
The Lakers executed a fast break for an easy two...
The Cavs (still upset from the previous miscall) forced a shot and missed...
The Lakers remained poised and scored another two points...
The Cavs panicked and made one emotional mistake after another...
The Lakers scored again...
By the time the Cavs recovered from their just (but misdirected) complaints, the game was out of reach.

How was the game lost?
By focusing on something they couldn't change instead of relying on their skills to reach their ultimate goal.

GDAWG - "...then why fight the American Civil War ... a Civil Rights Movement...?"
That's a different argument.
Those situations (your examples) are like telling the Cavs that their field goals only count as one point while the Lakers' count as two.

GDAWG - "...that standards are lowered, solely, for 'da Blacks'..."
Well... (as with everything) IMO - the lowering of some standards may serve in the best interest of the institution.
i.e. - Female police officers may be able to quell some situations by calming some suspects instead of having to over-react. The same could be said for some Black officers in some situations. A shortcoming in one area is compensated for in another.
A female or Black doctor who is substandard is of benefit to no one.
A Female fire fighter who can't do the job endangers everyone.
The same could be said for anyone who is substandard.
As far as admitting an under-represented minority into a University who fails to meet minimum standards? Nope.
Have them be matriculated upon completion of any remediation done at the JC level.
If the prospective student shows a level of acquired knowledge to be able to compete at the university level... fine, their admittance is guaranteed.
If not, maybe they should try a different school.

GDAWG - "...False Flag operation..."?
Am I creating a problem or destroying any institutions or property and blaming it on a supposed enemy in order to serve my desires?
I'm not sure I get this one.

In short - Stop fighting over the crumbs while you're missing the meal.

1 comment:

  1. The Lakers seem to have the Celtics' number this year. Maybe Cleveland should go to the big dance with the Lakers?
