Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Besides Yogi

Are mixed bears (Ursid hybrids) smarter?
Or better looking?
Or do they have the "Good Hair"?
Are they considered to be brown or white?
Do they have more opportunities?

Everyone knows that Yogi is smarter than the average bear.
But of the others listed - which bear is the smartest?

The Polar bear with it's ability to adapt to a frigid and hostile environment?

Or the Brown bear (including further sub-species Kodiak and Grizzly) that is able to live in the widest range of environments?

Or the multi-continental Black bear?

Since each bear has evolved to best survive in it's environment - how would we measure intelligence? Which has the highest IQ?

Who's standard would we use?


  1. Well, it occurs to me that you wouldn't use the standard upheld by the unsustainable fustercluck in the midst of a catastrophic collapse.

  2. Well I am a bear and i am pretty smart! I think smart is one of theose eye of the beholder things. I mean bears do put things that are on fire in their mouth...that is pretty smart.They usually don't bother people who dont bother them, that is smart and polite.

  3. @ cnu - Yeah, but it (WASP) is the dominant culture in the present time.
    But it's good to know that you knew I was using an absurd example in order to avoid all of the pedancy at DV.

    @ D.J. - LMAO, Damn... maybe that should have been part 2 - which has better manners.

  4. My nieces started calling me "polar bear" some time ago. They said it was because I'm big white and hairy.

    So I vote polar bear, after all, my wife calls me a genius all the time. As in, "way to lock your keys in the car genius."

  5. good question - how about the blue tongue standard lol

  6. hey what about the panda?

    Its both black and white (biracial?) and lives in a land with no recession!

    Of course it does sew soccer balls for 2cents a day while coughing up coal dust.

  7. @ Brohammas

    Isn't the panda on the endangered species list because it doesn't like to make babies too often.

    Great, another quality to add to the tragic mulatto myth ( I keed, I keed).

  8. Well I assent to but I dream the collection should acquire more info then it has.

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