Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Basics

Almost everyone learned these basic writing standards but few still write in a manner anything close to the basics.
As long as the forms are recognizable, the variances don't matter.
When people complain about cultural differences, it's usually only a different the style of the same standard - not a whole new language.

If one is versed in only the Phoenician standard, they would have problems understanding and practicing a Western language (and vice versa).
Or if one is versed in only a minority standard, they would have problems communicating in or acculturating to a majority standard (and vice-versa).

Unless we make them about race - most of our problems are cultural, not racial.


  1. sure they are cultural. but when it comes to black/white relations culture and race overlap. the black culture grew out of racial segregation or oppression. tthe resulting culture is founded in race.
    the conflict origins also make it an exclusive culture reather than inclusive...
    most Spanish speaking people love if you attempt their language
    white people using "black" dialects do not gain the same acceptance.

  2. @ brohammas - But Spanish is a different language.
    Ebonics is just a different dialect.
    It's more like when one goes to the South and attempts to speak with a drawl - some might see you as mocking them.
