Sunday, January 25, 2009


Marcellus wanted no apology - he only sought revenge ("Mid-Evil "(Medieval) style).

"Success is the best revenge." - French Proverb
"Success covers a multitude of blunders." - Bernard Shaw
"Success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in your pockets." American Proverb
"Success is often the result of taking a misstep in the right direction." - Al Bernstein

In not asking for an apology - I'm just saying that it wouldn't be enough.
Racist people hate a successful minority more that a failing one.
The successful one weakens their argument of superiority.
The failing one can be seen as confirmation.
The success of one seen as being less than themselves just eats at them.
That success is like an incurable Cancer that takes away his strength a little at a time - until he is dead.
Maybe we should focus on the best revenge and let the convenient apology go.


  1. Yes, singout. Success is not just the best revenge against the racist, but for all of those that thought that you weren't worthy because of any reason.

  2. John, I'm sure you would agree that the Jews, Japanese, and others who were received binding apologies and were paid financial reparations, are very successful as groups, in their own right. Do you think they, the Jews, for examaple, would have those who apologized and paid reparation, have them retract it all because success is the measure they want?
    John it is a human think to do torepent and apologize for. Unless you feel American Blacks are not human, therefore, undeserving of an binding apology, like every other group screwed over by Europeans, then you need to stop smoking that shyte! I think THAT must folks THAT HAVE a problem of having Blacks folks have their humanity validated have a massive case of "COGNITIVE DISSONANCE"

  3. I finally agree that success will do the trick. Now can we just turn our minds away from what they have done to us to what we can do for ourselves?

  4. @ Curious - Yeah... when you know that you're better, you don't worry about what scrubs think.

    @ GDAWG - Deserving? Yes.
    Getting one or both on a national level? Nope.
    It's just not doable anytime in the near future.
    If BO won't do it, then who?

    I don't think that it's doublethink to have no need for validation from those who would care so little about me.
    I have no need for approval from this same group.
    But seeing me win in spite of the road blocks will have a more lasting effect.

    @ FreeMan - For many, that's just wishful thinking.
    Others don't have to like me after I've won, they'll just recognize THAT I won.
    But in thinking this way (no need for external validation), I'm often thought of as having low self-esteem.

    @ Jaycee - Thanks

  5. Again John, using success as a measure of making it the US of A, for example, as the "best way " to show up th da man, do you think Jews and Isreal should return the money received from Germany as reparation, along with the apology offered then.
    Or, do you think Native Americans, Native Alaskans, or Native Hawaiinas should stop receiving their annual reparation payments from the American government, return the money and land they've received so far, and unaccept the apology made to them and let their "success" prove their humanity and equality?

  6. The irony of Affirmative Action is that it is demeaning to black folk, predicated on black inferiority. It is the ultimate joke against blacks by their elite White modern-day masters (such as the Clintons, and half-white Obama himself). You aren't good enough to EARN it, but we are so large, we will GIVE it to you anyway. That is the base message of AA.

    How 'bout this: Stand up, take responsibility, and REFUSE white handouts! Now, that would prove something, wouldn't it? None of this BEGGING for reparations, which is demeaning and makes the beggar look like a clown, as if your fat spoiled asses deserve to get paid for the whips that fell across your ancestor's backs. The generation that survived slavery and earned their way with NOTHING to start with and NO HANDOUTS whatsoever, they would smack you across the face for asking for handouts in their name.
