Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No Dimes

First Ladies are notoriously homely.
Usually not ugly, but far from beautiful.
Most rate anywhere between a five and a seven.
It seems that we're inundated with prose written about Michelle Obama's beauty.
Or what she'll wear at the next ball, party or television appearance.
Was her dress "Lime-Green" or "Chartreuse"?
But I don't see it.
Maybe it's her protruding mandible that makes her mouth look like P. Diddy's. or Rosario Dawson's or the Geico cave men's.

But there is no shame in that.
I'd put her at about the same level as most other first ladies, in regards to her looks.
Maybe she'll more closely resemble Eleanor Roosevelt (I didn't have room to go as low as a two (2) on the above graph.) in terms of her policy.


  1. Well, nothing wrong with you taking a position on her looks, it just differs from the average.

  2. You have commented before that you don't think she is pretty. For the record i dont either, not in the classic sense. i do think she is stunning and statuesque and well put together. Good enough for me,,:)

  3. @ Sheila - I can't say that she's ugly. But all the shows today kept commenting on her beauty.
    I just watched "Seven Pounds" and the girl with whom I was watching the movie commented that Rosario Dawsons mouth messed up her looks. I said "Like P Diddy?"
    "Yes" she said.
    "Like the Geico cave men?", I asked.
    "Yes" she aswered, laughing.
    "Like Michelle Obama?"
    But that's when the caveman mouth joke got old.
    I guess I can't mess with Michelle.

    @DJ - I know, but it bugs me that many are trying to pass her off as a new standard for an American Black beauty.
    Desiree Rodgers is better. (Although not the First Lady)>

  4. I'm with you on this one UBJ and it never fails to perplex me how/why people feel lemming-like compelled to fake the funk.

    The first daughters appear to have a lot of potential - so long as that mandibular anomaly doesn't increase with them as an artifact of puberty.

  5. I honestly think Michelle Obama is a sexy woman. Tall, curvy, and a hell of a dresser. I was lucky enough to meet in her in person at a diner in Ohio; she's even more impressive in person. Perhaps she doesn't have a classic beauty, but it's still beauty.

  6. Michelle is Beautiful and the fact she used to be her husbands boss once upon a time at the old law firm just rocks as well. Jackie Kennedy was beautiful and once upon a time Barbara Bush was a flaming redheaded beauty but age and ignorance has taken its toll.
