Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Couple Of Pieces Of Gum ?

Citigroup thinks it appropriate to spend about $50,000.000.00 on a Dassault Falcon 7X - after receiving almost 45 BILLION dollars from the recent stimulus package?

But they're bankers.
Maybe it was on sale.
Maybe it was a bargain.
If I let you borrow $100.
I wouldn't be mad if you spent 10 cents (1/1000 of the total loan) on less than a handful of gum.
Maybe your breath was kickin'.
But spending just over that 1/1000 of 45 BILLION dollars is a whole lot different.
It's still 50 million dollars!
That would buy at least 100 of the houses on which you plan to foreclose.


  1. Great analogy to illustrate your point.

    This is absolutely ridiculous. But you know what? These banks and corporations knew that they received that money with no strings attached and they have been spending it as such, which is why I am now so pissed off at the Republican senate trying to be so all up in arms about spending. None of that was of any concern when Bushwack was in office.

  2. Your Math Skills are the envy of MEEE!
    It would seem that if you crying poor that you tighten your belt. It's the least they could do. But what they want is for us the people to tighten ours. We should have let em starve to death.
