Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Before The Wrestler - Motorcycle Boy

I'm pretty much average.
Maybe a little better than average in some things.
I was often thought to be one of those people who knew everybody.
But in truth, I didn't have the time - I just knew everybody who knew everybody.
But for some reason, I'm often cast into a position of leadership.

The summer after my freshman year in college, one of my friends recommended that I watch the movie Rumble Fish.
Micky Rourke's character Motorcycle Boy in particular.
Motorcycle Boy compared himself to Jessie James, The Pied Piper and Robin Hood.
I'm pretty sure that most charismatic leaders could use similar comparisons.

But the question that got me was MB asking; "...but where am I supposed to lead them?".
This question can also be phrased as; "What next?", "What now?" or "Now What?".

Assuredly, there is no "Universal Answer".
No Silver Bullet.
No panacea.
We can find no commonality in any other discipline - how do we expect to find one common answer to a problem as complex as "Race"?
Or the perception of race.
Or even agree on a definition of race?

With all of the wisdom and knowledge available from the millions on the Internet - why is the problem of identifying the most effective answers to the most common problems so hard to solve?

Racism isn't a problem.
Who cares whether someone likes you?
Who cares what someone thinks of you?
Who cares if someone ... ?
Racism isn't the problem - oppression is.

But after we get over the need for approval... what problems do we solve first.
What's most important and efficacious?
Do those we are trying to help even need to know that they're doing what is in their best interest?
Should everyone even be equal - or just given the opportunity?

Adding longevity or sustainability to the equation, what are the ten (or so) issues that would give us the most bang for the buck? (i.e. - More Black males are killed by Black males per year than by police officers in a decade. Where should our real focus be?)
What I'm asking is;
Are we focusing on the right issues but from the wrong perspective?


  1. I think if you say it plain it won't have any teeth. Of course racism is easily ignored but since oppression is invisible no one will follow that as the main point. So like a general someone has to be the antagonist someone has to be the world evil we are trying to conquer for the greater good.

    So I agree Race is the wrong issue but go ahead and try and talk about oppression and watch people say I got money. Race is the issue that hits everyone rich, fat, christian so its the uniting issue. So eventhough the problem can have a simple solution like education, business ownership, distribution, raw resources, taking over government; no one wants to believe that. So instead you call someone a Devil and people ears perk up.

    I don't think you have to tell them where to go at all because they will follow the fucka with the loudest mouth.

  2. There's an old adage that says, "if the people lead, the leaders will follow". Folks probably follow you because you've proven you can get where you try to go. Those folks have some place they want to go, and they choose you to help them. MLK didn't decide to lead the civil rights movement, the people were moving already and asked him to walk in front.

    The important thing is not what "the" top ten are, but what "your" top ten are. You go after the ones you believe are important and people will either commit themselves to the goal because they share it, or commit themselves to your leadership. You mentioned Black Male homocide of Black males. If you address that one problem, you affect numerous others. Whether by creating jobs or self-awareness programs, if you address the issue, people who want to address it will follow you.

  3. " I don't think you have to tell them where to go at all because they will follow the fucka with the loudest mouth."

    I agree with Freeman.. People get all bent outta shape about this one shooting or that one shooting, but what about the 85 shootings last month? ALL SHOOTINGS should create the hostile reaction of the people.
