Thursday, November 13, 2008

What's News

They're just campaign promises. Don't expect the world to change.
I told you that the whole problem with the failed economic policy and practices was that they were like selling Noni Juice, PrePaid Legal or AmWay.

But when all the news we hear are lies, exaggerations and bad news - the only thing left is to make up our own.


  1. Thank you for the info wars I have said before this is clearly the worse crime in recent American history....and we did it to ourselves.

  2. I'm still waiting for the promised end to our country that the Republican's promised would come when Obama was elected.

    Once he's sworn in maybe?

  3. John,

    When McCain gave his concession speech and thanked Sarah Palin, my friends and I jumped out of our seats and thanked Sarah Palin too.

    I also loved it when Stephen Colbert called Obama "our first Hawaiian President".
