Saturday, November 29, 2008

My First Time

Thanks to SjP at Sojourner's Place ( ). She was so far down her blog-roll that she slipped and left this little nugget in my honor.

I guess I have to list the rules of The Award for those who receive The Award from myself.

1) Pass The Award on to the five (5) most deserving bloggers.
2) Each recipient must link to the author and name of the blog from whom The Award was received.
3) Each "Superior Scribbler" must display The Award on their blog and link back to;
4) Each blogger must visit this site and add their name to the Mr Linky List.
5) Each blogger must post these rules.

Sick of hearing what's WRONG within the Black community? Me too. This site is dedicated to showcasing those who do some good in the hood. Tracey at Black Gives Back has one of the most important blogs around.
We all feel like the guy in this photo from time to time. CitizenOjo breaks it down on his TDL&ToaPC. ( )
But let's add some color to the Black and white mix. CVT of Choptensils ( ) adds a different view of race to the discussion.
I have to check my stocks at The Black Market Index ( )on the daily. Invisible Hand isn't as cynical as his photo.
The Two Buppie Chicks ( ) offer a woman's view (times two) of everything from wine, fashion, politics, religion and well... life. Blackstar and brightstar are quick with the wit and smart.

So I hope I've followed the rules and explained them to the recipients.

(SjP - Thanks. It still amazes me that anyone as erudite as all of you even drop by the hood (UBJ) from time to time)


  1. I so enjoy your spot cause you challenge me and others to "cogitate copiously" as an old prof of mine use to say. How interesting that he, too, often spoke about being erudite ::smile:: Might just have to start calling you Professor in his honor.

    You are so deserving of this award and it is truly my honor to pass it on to you and being the first to do so. But, I have no doubt that this is award is the first of many that you will receive in the future. Can't wait to check out your recipients. Just from the descriptions of their blogs they too are obviously deserving of this award too!

  2. ::OAN:: This is the first time that I've ever seen that picture of Paul Robeson. Each year my alma mater presents awards to African American students named in his honor. An outstanding athelete, even better student, tremendous actor and singer, Robeson beat the odds and is certainly an American hero. Can't even imagine what he must have gone through being the first to receive a degree from Rutgers!

  3. 'Tis truly an honor to get the shout out, sir. I'm relatively new to the whole blogosphere thing, so I have no idea as to whether or not I have to pay it forward or what not. Know, though, that that is one of the blogs on the roll call.

  4. Thanks for the acknowledgment. I just discovered your mention (it was in the comments of my first post - which I got notified on, but somehow missed), so I'll get on to fully passing along the award.
