Sunday, November 23, 2008

Change, Progress and Adapt

Maybe you don't need McGyver-like skills to make it in today's world (but it helps).
To make money;
Do what others can't do
or do what others don't want to do.
This site lists the best career choices during a recession.
( )
Although the choices seem valid, one's location and it's current (and future) economic condition is a better measure of what is needed in each individual's case.

"Water, water, everywhere..."
While costly, a desalination plan is needed.
Nuclear power plants are good at desalination and could provide energy for many people.

Many bugs and insects are edible. I hope it doesn't get this bad - but it's good to know.

Electric cars need a place to re-fuel. Maybe we could build a lot of this type of parking structure (with the addition of windmills) to act as re-fueling stations for the many electric car proposals.

I am not saying that these answers apply to all (or any) of you. But we need to think in a more nimble way. We need to be prepared to make life-style changes and be prepared to adapt or be left behind wondering "what happened".


  1. Could not agree with you more. I think you offer very sound advice to anyone who works for a check they don't sign themselves. The economic times and tides are changing and in order to survive its necessary to think outside the box we've been "living in".

    Great post!

  2. I would starve before I would eat bugs. Really.
