Wednesday, November 12, 2008


It's the end of the world!
Or so some in the blog world would have you believe.
How does Barack Obama go from being the first Black President Elect to the Savior to the Anti Christ in a little more than a week?
I'm pleased with the Obama win, but I'm not placing a nimbus around Mr. Obama's head just yet. Are people really so afraid of a Black man? How does one go from being perceived as unable to run a country to being able to destroy the world - in eight days? A November 6, 2008 article in ReconsiliationTalk states that the words " Obama, Peace and Anti Christ" were becoming more often searched on Google ( ). I've read references to Nostradamus' quatrains referencing the last Pope as a Black Pope, and having some connection to Obama. I've seen connections made between the recent brawl between Jesuit monks (The Jesuit Superior General is often referred to as the Black Pope) in a Jerusalem temple and Obama's pending exaltation. I've read articles citing Obama's Middle Eastern peace plan as contrary to Christianity and the Fundamentalist/Evangelical/Zionist philosophies.
I'm no dispensationalist nor do I wish for some sort of Illuminati inspired dystopic world. I've read references to Obama being the Anti Christ mentioned in the Biblical books of Revelations, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke and 2Thessalonians. Really? A Black guy becomes President of the United States and the speculation among the Catholic Church's leaders starts to turn to how that opens the door for the next (Black) Pope ?

I know that reading is good for us.
Maybe I'm reading the wrong things.
Maybe I'm reading to much into things.


  1. Black people have to be placed in categories. It is the only way whites seem to be able to relate to us.....

  2. People have said Oprah was God-like. I guess some folks really think all black people are supposed to be lumped into a specific category and when someone seems to break out of that category they are to be worshipped. That's just ... odd.
