Monday, September 29, 2008


Someone left a comment on an e-mail that I have an interesting assortment of blogs listed on my blog-roll. Even though I know none of the people listed, they seem to mirror my friends from my real life.
I have many friends. But I have even more enemies.
Sometimes my friends ask why anyone would even like me. Sometimes they wonder why they themselves like me. They always love me but dayum... sometimes many want to just beat the stew out of me. But what are ya' gonna' do?

So I looked at my Blog-roll and wondered why I included some of them.

Angry African... and I Love/Hate America are mostly up-beat in their approaches to life. I'm not a gangsta' rappa' so I don't have to be mad all of the time.
Pages From My Notebook and Bitter White Folks for Obama give me that liberal point of view.
She Blinded me With Science - I'm curious about the struggles of going from a not so good situation to being an MD.
Two Buppie Chicks just seem like a couple of girls I could hang out with.
Denmark Vesey, Raw Dawg Buffalo and The Assault on Black Folks Sanity all seem Public Enemy hard. The kind of N****'s one just rolls with.
Math Me Thinks - because I tutor a lot of my bad azz little niglet cousins and sometimes I look for advice on teaching techniques.
Kimbot, Lindy Hop Figures and Grandpasartblog ? I like art. Mostly Picasso, Dali, Haring, Scharf, Basquiat and graffiti.
Dream and Hustle - Seems to be working on more than just a hustle. That and he always answers even my dumb questions.
The Desultory Life and Times... , Controversial Blackness and Acting White - because they don't seem to subscribe solely to the stereotypes.
Subrealism - it makes me think in a more esoteric way.
Undercoverblackman - I never know what to expect.
Black Tennis Pros -Who knew that there were so many?
Aby RAd's Blog and Prepare to be AbSuRdized - often make me say "WTF?".
Derrick's Window - a gay guys perspective without everything having to be about gays.
Slant Eye..., Immigration, Assimilation And All That Jazz and Mixed Race America - Asians are usually dismissed as a non-minority.
WOC PhD and Resist Racism - Because I so often disagree with their assumption that all minorities should rely on "The Victim Card" whenever possible. But they do have valid points on many other issues.
Season of the Bitch and Feministe - I want to know what some on the feminist front think.
Illegal is Illegal? - I want to keep up with the immigration issue.

Some I agree with, some not as much. But all have valid and honest opinions with a lack of pretense.

In real life, I have Black, White, Hispanic/Latino and Asian friends. I have gay and lesbian and straight friends. I have conservative and liberal friends. I have male and female friends. I have dirt poor friends and embarrassingly rich friends. All of my friends are really good at something (usually many things) and are cool to be around.

Beaumont, Texas is really segregated (still ) so I don't get the feedback that I'm used to. All of these sites (and others) fill the void left from my friends at home in Cali.
(Initially, I started this blog so that I could argue with my friends from Cali.)

I'm wrong a lot. A LOT. But like my friends from home, I learn from these blogs.
But didn't the Oracle tell Socrates (and his haters) that he was truly the smartest man alive because he didn't assume that he knew everything?


  1. so im like your folk, well tell me the reason how and y

  2. What an interesting assortment. I'll have to lurk your blog list and see what tickles me. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Raw Dawg- All of my crew are better than me in many things (which, in the end, makes me better). All are; fun but not silly, tough but not thug, smart but not pedantic,... . get the point?
    Everyone brings something to the party.

  4. T - Three blogs? You must have a lot to say. I'll check them out.
