Friday, September 12, 2008

Venus (No, not Williams)

Oh, the Venus that is Sarah Palin.

Lucifer - 1.[Poetic], the planet Venus when it is the morning star. 2. Satan, the leader of the revolt of angels before his(her) fall.

Damn...I wish I were a poet. Then I could describe how Sarah Palin and Venus (Satan) are one and the same in an eloquent manner.

Wasn't Lucifer described as a beautiful angel? When describing Sarah Palin, aren't the first words usually about her beauty.
Didn't Lucifer bring voters er..umm.. angels with her before her fall?
Didn't the Devil quote the Bible to Christ in the Christ's moment of temptation ? Doesn't Palin claim (then deny) knowing the will of God?
Which of the two (Palin or Satan) is good at double-speak? Both... I may have to look further into the similarities.

(Gotta' do hurricane stuff. My power (and computer) will be out for a few days)