Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sarah Palin Fights to Add "The Chocolate War" to Oprah's Book Club !

No, not really. I made that up.
In fact, "The Chocolate War" is one of the many books that Sarah Palin wanted banned from the Wasilla public library. Maybe she wants to ban Orwell too.
(see; http://assaultonblacksanity.blogspot.com/ )
Aren't the Oprah book club's choices supposed to reflect books that Oprah actually endorses? When Oprah endorses a book, it is not as though she is trying to ban the books not on her list.

"The item in today's drudge Report is categorically untrue. There has been
absolutely no discussion about having Sarah Palin on my show. At the beginning
of this presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first
stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a
platform for our candidates. I agree that Sarah Palin would be a fantastic
interview, and I would love to have her on after the campaign is over."
-Oprah's statement posted on the Drudge Report

Isn't it still the Oprah Winfrey Show?

I rarely watch The View. Barbara Walters is way past her prime, but it's her show...what are you gonna' do? Sherri Sheppard always looks like she's hungry. Joy Behar just takes up space. Elisabeth Hasselbeck is, well...young. She states what she believes with an almost accusatory conviction. I don't agree with her most of the time but she makes good television. Whoopi is good. I noticed that the guests seem to give a polite hello and handshake to the other hosts. But with Whoopi, it's always a smile and a kiss. People seem to feel as though they know her. Celebrities seem to view only her as their equal. Even if I don't agree with her, I understand her calmly stated point of view.The rest sound like a bunch of hens cackling.

Now news of Elisabeth's support of the McCain/Palin ticket and comments made about Michelle Obama (while a guest on The View) being persnickety have raised questions of her objectivity. She's not objective. She is on the show to have a view. Elisabeth only crosses the line in stating actions performed behind the scenes of the show. Should she be fired? Of course not. Should she be educated on decorum? Absolutely.

In other non-trovercies;

Brittney looked great at the VMA's. Jessica Biel is hotter than Angelina Joille. Kanye West's song at the VMA's sounded a lot like a Phil Collins song. It seems as though the '80's are back in style.

1 comment:

  1. I can not stand Elizabeth Hasselback (sp?). I don't know here - clearly, but I can't stand to watch her on the show. I don't know if she tries to get some sort of controversy out of the show or if she is really ignorant. She's young - TRUE, but she should try and learn more and talk less.
