Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ne-Ga-Ro Please...

Is it the word or the intent that matters?
When someone calls someone else a M****** F******! (for example) is it always bad?

In some circles, calling a friend one's B**** may imply a form of subjugation but not animosity.
Ahh, B****! May be a reply to a friend's joke about one's having to change their T.V. with a set of pliers.
Or - ahh B****! May mean that there was about to be a fight.

We would often say; (so and so) was paid like a M***** F*****!
Meaning that (so and so) had a lot of money.
Or that (so and so) was smoove (smooth) like a M***** F*****!
Meaning that (so and so) had game or was well dressed or any number of complimentary things.
But we would also say; (so and so) is ugly like a M***** F*****!
Meaning that (so and so) was REALLY ugly.

When I was in high school, I had a friend named Tim. He was new to our school and was known for being kicked out of a different school for placing his testicles in a sleeping girl's hand while she was napping in class. He was kicked out of that school and came to mine. He would hang a BA when ever he had the chance. His favorite saying was; You crazy! N****'!(delivered in a high pitched voice).
Meaning that something that someone had done something that was funny/amusing/or crazy.
Tim was a white kid who had gone to the mostly Black ghetto school across town. (Yes, he was kicked out of that school too.) He was a simpleton, so his use of the "N" word never raised so much as an eye brow (even among the blacks at the school).
Does it matter who uses a word and their intent. Or is the use of an offencive word always offencive?

Blacks often throw the "N" word around with such frequency that it could be mistaken with being a persons given name (although, always ending in an "a'" and not "er"). See what I mean about intent and context?

Can white people ever use the "N" word? Of course they can. Will it be considered acceptable? It depends on the audience. While not white, Carlos Mencia used the word with great effectiveness in his "N****' ...Please" punch-line about O.J. Simpson trying to get into Heaven. Some whites use it when they are only around other whites with no repercussions. Some whites use it towards Blacks with great repercussions. It's one of those words that one has to use at their own risk.

As far as me not understanding context and trying to tell others how to act or what to say?
N****' Please!

1 comment:

  1. Great one! I find the use of words less offensive - depending one who said it and their intention. I am new to the US so different rules apply. But it seems as if the logic hold true on both sides of the ocean - although we are little bit further down to the South. Golden rule for me? If you can't say it in front of everyone - then don't. You might be bordering on bigotry. Great piece!
