Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 232nd Birthday !

Happy Birthday America.
Happy Birthday big head ErickA.
Happy Anniversary Roc and Gidget.
The Fourth was always a fun Holiday back in Cali. I remember having a picnic at the cemetery and watching fireworks with my ex- Debbie. Don't ask me why we'd watch from the cemetery, it was her tradition. We did have a great view of the fireworks fired from the top of Mt. Roubidoux. The Bahia in San Diego the Hilton in Lake Arrowhead and Roc's wedding at the Mission Inn in Riverside were all great 4th of July memories (If you can call waking up two days later and still trying to remember what happened memories).

1 comment:

  1. The Ericka Birthday Dinner came back full force this year! Great Thai dinner and drinks, and then more drinks and more drinks. A lot of familiar faces but we really missed the old faces, especially Ugly Black John, and the Fridays crowd. I know you've heard the term Blind Drunk, but the Ericka Birthday Celebration was the first time I had ever seen it. He was wandering thru the parking lot hands out in front as if to avoid hitting a wall and calling out "MARCO.... MARCO...." As usual by nights end everyone was safe somewhere, pockets were empty, the ceiling looking like we had just ridden the Spinout at Magic Mountain and that slight nauseated smile of another night of good times and lots of memories. We miss you Big Man, the IE misses you. Come Home - LUCKY
