Thursday, May 1, 2008

Barak Obama vs. Jeremiah Wright

Have you heard the story of how Black people are like crabs in a bucket? If you go crab fishing, after you catch one you just throw it in a bucket. You don't have to put a cover on the bucket because whenever one crab tries to claw it's way to the top, the other crabs will reach up and pull that crab down to their level. This is the case with Jeremiah Wright- he once again proved this analogy.
Mr. Wright doesn't know when to just shut the F up! What's more important; Mr. Wright restating for the millionth time by the millionth person the problems in our society - without offering any valid solutions to those problems? Or allowing Mr. Obama the opportunity to state and define his policies?
The three most important issues of today's election cycle are (in no particular order);
The Iraq War- Bring our boys home- now. When one gets into a fight with someone, one can help their opponent back up. But it is foolish to nurse that person back to health, feed them, pay their bills and support their families - all while your opponent is still trying to kill you. Wasn't this misguided war supposed to make our country more stable?
Gas and Food prices- My friend Tracy gave me a book years ago dealing with the flaw in the government's plan to subsidize the production of ethanol (Lester R Brown- Plan B 2.0)
Illegal Immigration- Welfare reform is the first step in immigration reform. We need to stop subsidizing the institution of poverty and create ways for those who abuse the system to become productive members of the population. With ; food stamps, Medi-care,WIC,HUD, free school lunch and breakfast, and welfare checks, we're making poverty too comfortable. This element of our society is more inclined to be not just consumers but destroyers of our society and not the creators we need them to be. These people would become our labor pool. If they don't want to move to where the jobs are, fine- no welfare. Working people everyday move to an area that the costs are less but the pay is more. If you add all the costs of the benefits given to welfare recipients, the sum total would equal or exceed what a lot of working people struggle to bring home. Lex-Rex- the law is king. If you came here illegally, you broke the law. You diminish the accomplishment of those who did things the right way. Let every illegal fill out an application for a green-card or work-visa then leave. Go home,get to the back of the line until your name is called.
Don't give me the argument that; you didn't cross the border- the border crossed you. Blame the generals who lost the war, blame Santa Ana for signing land over but don't blame America for winning. You celebrate liberation from Spain- we in the Southwest celebrate liberation from Mexico. You lost- get over it.
Don't say that I'm black and should go back to Africa. I'm half black, a quarter Mexican and a quarter Native-American (Klamath/Modoc tribe). As an Indian- I was already here. As a Mexican- I was born on the NORTH side of the border. As Black - we were brought here by force, we didn't sneak in. I'm American..Viva America !
I guess Ozzie Davis was right.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ugly (I was not sure if it was last name first or first name last),
    Interesting blog. Normally, I spend my day avoiding discussions with people that have knee jerk reactions to difficult problems. These people have nothing to offer me and usually don’t respond well to crazy things like, logic, facts or college words that end in ism. But I read all of your posts and I’m into it. Your argument about immigration is an argument that many Americas share, “ If you are here illegally then fill out the paperwork and get to the back of the line”. The truth is that America is heavily dependant on these workers to work our farms, clean our hotel rooms, sew our clothes and cook our food. But to think that welfare recipients will keep the fruit from rotting on the vine is a vast oversimplification of the problem. The welfare recipients are not just comprised of lazy people with their hands sticking out looking for free money. These people are single mothers, disabled people and even college students. I do agree with your argument about the current state of welfare as a self propagating system but it is a mistake to believe that the system should be abolished.
    From an economic perspective the argument gets much more complex. immigrants actually add a relatively small gain to the overall economy. (Read This article does not consider that fact that illegal immigrants or undocumented workers contribute to social security yet get no benefit from it. It also does not consider the consumption factor or the fact that undocumented works are the demographic that keeps America from having a negative population growth. Measuring the effects of illegal immigration is difficult for any economist but like this country’s dependence on oil, we cannot get rid of cheap labor and not offer an alternative that is not viable.
